In just 30 days, these 8 exercises will give you a flat stomach.


In just 30 days, these 8 exercises will give you a flat stomach.

Recent research show that practicing yoga, balanced exercise, and weight training three times per week for two years has several advantages. Their body uses oxygen more efficiently, and their cardiac muscle is less rigid.

Here at Bright Side, we've compiled the top 8 at-home workouts for a flat stomach that you can practice in just 30 days. You will only need 10 minutes every day to complete these workouts, and you will start to see results after just one week.

Rectus abdominis 

This is the muscle that comes to mind when someone says they have a "6-pack." At the front of the pelvis, the rectus abdominis is situated between the ribs and the pubic bone.

Two methods can be used to exercise this muscle:

By tilting the pelvis toward the chest

The pelvis is brought up to the chest.

1. Perform 15 crunches  

Crunches are a classic core exercise for defining the abdominal muscles and are ideal for toning the rectus abdominis and oblique muscles.

Technique for exercise:

Lay on your back on the ground or a cozy mat.

Kneel to one side.

Using your abdominal muscles, raise your shoulders up toward the ceiling, pausing when you reach the top.

2. Ten double leg reaches.  

A great abdominal workout that targets both the upper and lower abs is the double leg reach.

Technique for exercise:

Stretched-out on your back, with your arms raised and your legs straight.

Using your abdominal muscles, raise your feet 45 degrees off the ground, then pause when you reach the peak.

Stretching your arms and legs, carefully lie back down.

3.15 repetitions of arm plank with knee dip 

Along with your abs, this exercise targets your arms, shoulders, glutes, and legs.

Technique for exercise:

Put your hands in a plank position so that your weight is supported by them.

After that, curl your left knee toward your waist and hold it there for a few seconds.

Retract your leg, then do it again with your right one.

4. Ten times, roll ups.      

Roll-ups bolster the flexibility of the spine while enhancing abdominal strength.

Technique for exercise:

Stretch your arms and legs out as you lay on your back.

Utilizing your abs, carefully roll up to a sitting position while raising your arms forward and forward.

Once more contracting your abs, slowly return to the beginning position.

5. Perform 20 plank hip dips. 

For novices looking to improve their abs, plank hip dips are great.

Technique for exercise:

Start out in a push-up position, resting your forearms and elbows on the ground. Maintain a 90-degree angle with your arms.

Your back should slightly arched.

Squeeze your abs hard to reduce the space between your ribs and hips as you raise your glutes toward the ceiling.

Retract your steps to the beginning point.

6. Boat posture, also known as Navasana, once.         

Navasana bolsters the lower back, legs, and abdominal muscles.

Technique for exercise:

Knees bowed and feet flat on the floor, take a seat.

Lift your feet off the ground as you slant your back slightly.

Straighten your arms in front of you.

With your whole weight resting solely on your abdominal muscles, maintain your knees straight for 30 to 1 minute.  

7. 10 times, the windshield.    

    This exercise, which you should perform toward the finish of your workout, is great for strengthening your entire body.

Technique for exercise:

Legs straight up and stretched out behind you while you lay on your back.

Keep your arms at your sides straight. .

Identify your lower abs.

Slowly sag your legs to one side.

Repeat on the other side.                          

 8. Climbers of mountains, 15 times.

  Your heart rate will increase with the advanced, high-intensity exercise known as the Mountain Climber. It's ideal to include some cardio in your everyday regimen.

Technique for exercise:

On your hands and toes, place yourself in a plank position.

Put your hands in a position where they are roughly shoulder-width apart.

Next, tuck as much of your right knee as you can into your chest.

Keep your hips down as you switch to your other knee and repeat the motion.

These workouts are perfect for doing at home. You only need your own body and willpower to do things; no special tools are required. If you'd like to share your favorite workout or the one you believe has the most potential, feel free to do so in the comments section.

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